Summer Kids Activities: 10 Creative & Fun Story Starters with Follow-on Activities

June 19, 2023 13 Min Read
Illustration of small funny creatures with books

Every child has a unique voice and a story to tell. But sometimes, they need a little nudge in the right direction. That's where story prompts come in! They can help spark your child's imagination and get their creative juices flowing. Here are 10 creative and fun story prompts for elementary school children, specially designed to inspire their storytelling adventures, educate, and enable follow-on enrichment activities.

1) The Talking Pet

Imagine your pet could talk. What would they say? Write a story about a day in your life from your pet's perspective.

Example: The day started like any other, with the sun peeking through the curtains and the sound of birds chirping outside. But as I groggily made my way to the kitchen for breakfast, I heard a voice I didn't recognize. "Morning," it said, and I turned to see my tabby cat, Mittens, sitting on the counter. She was staring at me with her usual indifference, but her mouth was moving in time with the words. "Did you just... talk?" I asked, wide-eyed and startled. And so began the strangest, most exciting day of my life...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to think creatively and engage in perspective-taking. It can also develop their understanding of narrative voice and point of view.

Tips: Encourage your child to observe their pet's behavior and consider what their pet might be thinking or feeling. Ask questions that help them imagine the world from their pet's perspective.

Extend the Fun: Have your child create a comic strip featuring their talking pet. They could also research animal communication and share interesting findings.

Create Together: As a family, write a story where all the pets in the house can talk. What would they say to each other, and how would they interact?

2) Space Explorer

You're the first kid astronaut to explore a new planet. What do you discover there? What adventures do you experience?

Example: As the spaceship landed, I could hardly believe it. I, a ten-year-old, was the first kid astronaut to set foot on Planet Zog. As the hatch opened, I took a deep breath and stepped onto the alien surface. A landscape of bright pink sand dunes stretched out before me, and in the distance, I could see towering blue mountains. I was about to make the most extraordinary discoveries and live the most incredible adventures...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to learn about space exploration and celestial bodies. It also stimulates their imagination and curiosity.

Tips: Encourage your child to research a specific planet or celestial body they're interested in. Ask questions that prompt them to think about the possible landscapes, climate, and life forms that could exist there.

Extend the Fun: Have your child draw a map or create a model of the planet they visited. They could also research and present five interesting facts about space exploration.

Create Together: As a family, decide on a mission to a particular planet or moon. Write a story from each family member's perspective about the journey and what they discover.

3) The Magical Garden

Imagine you discover a hidden door in your backyard that leads to a magical garden. What do you find there? What kind of creatures live in this garden?

Example: One day, while playing in the backyard, I noticed a peculiar door hidden behind a cluster of ivy. It was old and worn, but there was something undeniably magical about it. As I pushed it open, I saw a sight that took my breath away. A beautiful garden, unlike any I had seen before, lay in front of me. Luminous flowers of every color imaginable danced in the gentle breeze, and creatures straight out of a fairy tale scurried around...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to engage their imagination and creativity. It also develops their understanding of descriptive writing.

Tips: Encourage your child to think about what types of plants, animals, and magical beings might inhabit a magical garden. Ask questions that help them create vivid and detailed descriptions.

Extend the Fun: Have your child draw or paint a picture of their magical garden. They could also create a garden-based craft or plant their own mini garden.

Create Together: As a family, decide on a magical garden you all discover. Write a story from each family member's perspective about the experience.

4) Time Travel Adventure:

You've acquired a device that allows you to travel through time. Where do you choose to go, and what do you discover?

Example: Armed with my newly-acquired time travel device, I embarked on a journey to the past. My first destination was the year 1920. As soon as I activated the device, the world around me began to blur, and when it came back into focus, I was standing in the middle of a bustling city street, surrounded by people in vintage attire and old-fashioned cars. I spent the day exploring, immersing myself in the culture of the Roaring Twenties, listening to jazz music, and observing the start of the women's suffrage movement...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to learn about historical periods and events. It also develops their imagination and understanding of cause and effect.

Tips: Encourage your child to research a specific time period they're interested in. Ask questions that prompt them to think about the daily life, culture, and significant events of that era.

Extend the Fun: Have your child draw a picture or create a collage of the era they visited. They could also research and present five interesting facts about that time period.

Create together: As a family, decide on a historical event you want to witness or participate in. Write a story from each family member's perspective about the experience.

5) The Lost City

On a family vacation, you stumble upon an ancient lost city. Describe what you see and experience.

Example: On our family vacation to Greece, we decided to go hiking in the mountains. We were following a well-trodden path when we noticed an offbeat trail. Driven by curiosity, we decided to follow it and soon found ourselves standing at the entrance of what looked like an ancient city. Weathered stone buildings, overgrown with moss and vines, were scattered as far as the eye could see. It was as if we had stumbled upon a piece of history frozen in time...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to learn about history and archaeology. It also develops their imagination and descriptive writing skills.

Tips: Encourage your child to research about an ancient civilization they're interested in. Ask questions that prompt them to think about the architecture, culture, and significant events of that era.

Extend the Fun: Have your child create a model or draw a map of the lost city they discovered. They could also research and present five interesting facts about an ancient civilization.

Create Together: As a family, decide on an ancient civilization you stumble upon during a vacation. Write a story from each family member's perspective about the experience.

6) The Superpower

One day you wake up with a superpower. What is it, and what do you do with it?

Example: I woke up one Sunday morning feeling different. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was a strange energy coursing through my veins. As I went about my day, I noticed unusual things happening around me. Each time I wished for something, it happened. I wanted my favorite cereal for breakfast, and it appeared on the table. I wished for the rain to stop, and the clouds cleared instantly. That's when I realized - I had the power to make my wishes come true...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to think creatively and consider ethical questions. It also develops their understanding of cause and effect.

Tips: Encourage your child to think about what kind of superpower they'd like to have and why. Ask questions that prompt them to think about the responsibilities and consequences that come with having a superpower.

Extend the Fun: Have your child draw a comic strip of their superhero persona using their superpower. They could also create a list of rules for using their superpower responsibly.

Create Together: As a family, decide on superpowers for each member. Write a story from each person's perspective about a day with their new power.

7) The Enchanted Forest

During a walk in the forest, you realize the trees can talk. What do they tell you?

Example: I was walking through the forest when I noticed something unusual. The trees were whispering. I couldn't understand it at first, but as I listened more intently, I began to discern words and sentences. The trees discussed the weather, the animals, and even the humans who visited the forest...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to think creatively and learn about forests and ecosystems. It also develops their understanding of dialogue writing.

Tips: Encourage your child to research about different types of trees and forests. Ask questions that prompt them to think about what trees might observe in their surroundings.

Extend the Fun: Have your child draw a picture or make a collage of the enchanted forest. They could also research and present five interesting facts about a forest ecosystem.

Create Together: As a family, decide on a forest you all visit where the trees can talk. Write a story from each family member's perspective about the experience.

8) The Mysterious Letter

You receive a mysterious letter in the mail with no return address. What does it say? Where does it lead you?

Example: One day, I received a letter in the mail with no return address. Inside, I found a folded piece of paper that opened up to reveal a map. The map was intricately detailed, with landmarks and paths, and a big red "X" at one spot. Intrigued, I decided to follow the map. It led me through the town, into the woods, and finally to an old, abandoned house. As I ventured inside, I found...

What We're Learning: This prompt encourages children to engage in creative problem-solving and develop their narrative skills. It also introduces them to elements of mystery and suspense.

Tips: Encourage your child to think about what the letter could say and where it might lead. Ask questions that help them build suspense and excitement in their story.

Extend the Fun: Have your child create their own mysterious letter or map. They could also design a treasure hunt for a family member or friend.

Create Together: As a family, write a story where you all receive a mysterious letter. Describe how each family member contributes to solving the mystery.

9) The Invisible Friend

You wake up one day and discover you have an invisible friend. How does it communicate with you, and what adventures do you share?

Example: One day, I woke up to find an unexpected presence in my room—an invisible friend. At first, it was unsettling, but then I discovered that it communicated through written messages that appeared out of thin air. Despite its invisibility, we quickly formed a bond...

What We're Learning: This prompt fosters creativity and emotional intelligence. It encourages children to think about communication, friendship, and empathy.

Tips: Ask your child what qualities they think make a good friend. Discuss the ways we can communicate beyond words.

Extend the Fun: Encourage your child to draw or paint a picture of a scene from their adventure with their invisible friend.

Create Together: Write a story where you and your child have invisible friends. How do these friends interact with each other and influence your lives? Compare the similarities and differences.

10) The Wishing Stone

You stumble upon a stone that grants wishes. What do you wish for and what are the consequences of your wish?

Example: While hiking in the woods, I stumbled upon an ordinary-looking stone. However, when I picked it up, it started to glow, and a voice explained that it was a wishing stone. Excited, I wished to become the world's greatest musician. Suddenly, I found myself able to play any instrument with ease and compose beautiful melodies. However, the fame that came with my wish was overwhelming, causing me to lose privacy and peace...

What We're Learning: This prompt helps children understand the concept of consequences and the potential downsides of getting everything they wish for. It also fosters creativity and ethical thinking.

Tips: Discuss with your child about wise decision-making and the potential unintended consequences of their wishes.

Extend the Fun: Have your child create their own wishing stone out of clay or rock. They could also write a list of their top three wishes and the potential consequences of each.

Create Together: Write a story where you both find a wishing stone. What do you wish for, and how do your wishes affect each other and the world around you?

Wrapping Up

Please share the extraordinary tales you and your kiddos create from these prompts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! Whether they've journeyed through time, ventured through secret doors, or chased comets across the cosmos, we're eager to hear about their adventures and how they navigated the unexpected twists and turns of their narratives.

Remember, the prompts we've provided are merely stepping stones to ignite their creative spark. Encourage your child to let their imagination soar beyond these starting points, crafting a story that's uniquely their own. Let them weave characters, plot twists, and fantastic worlds that reflect their unique perspectives and fantasies.

And for an even more immersive storytelling experience, try out Talltale, a digital tool designed to inspire young minds. We not only generate engaging story prompts but also provide an interactive platform for you and your child to weave their narratives, fostering their storytelling skills and fueling their creativity.

Every story told is a door opened into your child's imagination. We can't wait to see where their creativity takes them—happy storytelling!

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